Punching In

  1. Press the Punch In button.
    The clock reader’s light changes to orange and this message is displayed:

    Start Date and time

    Empl ID --->

  2. Identify yourself by typing your ID, swiping your badge, or scanning your proximity badge.
    When you punch in successfully, the Clock beeps twice and the green check mark light flashes. If the Time Approval feature is enabled and there are time approval records for you to approve, the records are displayed as:

    Time Approval

    Date in the format MM/dd/yy

    Hours worked - HH:mm

    1=yes, 2=no, 3=skip

    If the Time Approval feature is disabled or there are no time approval records to display, you are returned to normal clock operations.

  3. If time approval records are displayed, press:
    • 1 to approve the hours worked.
    • 2 to reject the hours worked.
    • 3 to skip the record.

    If you skip the record, you will be prompted at your next clock in to approve or reject the record. If more than one record is to be approved, you will be prompted for each record to be processed. If there are no more approvals to be displayed, the system displays a message that no more approvals are available.

    If the ID is incorrect the Clock beeps three times, the “x” flashes red, and the invalid ID message is displayed. The clock reader does not recognize your ID or badge. Try punching in again using these tips:

    • Ensure that you are typing your ID correctly.
    • Ensure that you are swiping your badge properly.

    If you receive the same error message, contact your supervisor.