Adding a New Execution Group to a New Rule Group

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Labor Budgeting > Labor Budgeting Settings > Rule Groups.
    The Rule Groups page is displayed.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
    The Rule Groups Detail page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the new rule group.
    Specify a brief description for the new rule group.
  4. Click Save.
    The Included Execution Groups area is displayed.
  5. On the Included Execution Groups area:
    • Use the Execution Group ID lookup to select the execution group you created.
    • In the Order column, specify the order in which to run the execution group relative to other execution groups in the same rule group. See Ordering rules and execution groups.
  6. Click Save.
After you add an execution group to a rule group to use in a forecast, you must modify the ruleGroupName parameter in the forecast method. See Viewing and Editing Forecast-Method Parameters.

You can also add a new execution group to an existing rule group. To do so, instead of step 2 below, click Edit beside the existing rule group to use.