Bottom Up - Growth Adjusted Trend Parameters

Parameter Description Example
createRuleGroupName = groupName The rule group used when creating a forecast. Valid entries come from the FCRG_Name column of the FCST_RuleGroup Table. createRuleGroupName = DEFAULT BUP CREATION RULE GROUP
ruleGroupName = groupName The rule group associated with the forecast. Note that this rule group is not used when creating the forecast. Valid entries come from the FCRG_NAME column of the FCST_RULE_GROUP table. ruleGroupName = DEFAULT BUP RULE GROUP
forecastInitialStateName = stateName The state of the forecast when it is created. forecastInitialStateName = Initial
topDownVolumeTypeName = volumeTypeName The volume type to forecast. topDownVolumeTypeName = AHR,
topDownFieldName = field1 The name of the field where the forecasted value is stored. topDownFieldName = fcitAhr
ahrGrowthPercentageVolumeType = volumeTypename The growth percentage to apply to AHR. ahrGrowthPercentageVolumeType = AHR
departmentCalculator = className The class name for the calculator used in this forecast method. calculatorClass = modules.budgeting.forecasting.impl. GrowthAdjustedCalculator
driverCalculator = className The class name for the calculator used to calculate driver values. driverCalculator = modules.budgeting.forecasting.impl. GrowthAdjustedCalculator
valuesFromBudget = field1,field2 The values copied from the budget. Valid entries are the list of properties from the FCSTItemData class that do not start with "updated". valuesFromBudget = fcitMaxHours, fcitMinHours
forecastMaxLocations = number The maximum number of locations for which a forecast can be generated from the Forecast Generation page. forecastMaxLocations = 50
forecastStartLevel = locationType The leaf level for the bottom-up projection. forecastStartLevel =STORE