Export a Plan
You export a plan after generating and/or editing it so that you can import it into an external budgeting application or you can re-import it as a top-down budget for solicitation.
You can export a plan either by creating and running a Job Scheduler task, as described in this section, or by clicking the Export button on the Worksheet. When you export plan data directly from the Worksheet, you cannot specify for which versions and locations to export the data.
For information on:
- exporting data directly from the Worksheet, see Export Worksheet Data.
- which data is exported, see Exported Data.
- how to configure which data to export, see Configuring data to export.
Note: Exported plan data includes data for both leaf and non-leaf locations
and time periods. If you want to re-import the exported data to use in the
solicitation process, you need to remove the data for non-leaf locations and
time periods. See
Importing a plan.