Actual & Forecast Payroll % Trend Column
Week Time Periods
This column displays either the actual payroll percent or the user-adjusted forecasted payroll percent, depending whether actuals are available for the week.
The application uses these formulas to calculate the values in this column.
If actual payroll data is available and actual sales data is not available:
[ actual payroll / Adjusted Forecast Sales ] * 100
If both actual payroll and actual sales data are available:
[ actual payroll / actual sales ] * 100
If actual payroll data is not available and actual sales is available:
[ Adjusted Forecast Payroll / actual sales ] * 100
If neither actual payroll and actual sales data are available:
[ Adjusted Forecast Payroll / Adjusted Forecast Sales ] * 100
Month, Quarter, and Year Time Periods
This column displays payroll percent calculated from one of these combinations of data:
- actual sales and actual payroll
- actual sales plus Adjusted Forecast Sales and actual payroll plus Adjusted Forecast Payroll
- Adjusted Forecast Sales and Adjusted Forecast Payroll
The application uses these formulas to calculate the values in this column:
If actual payroll data is available and actual sales data is not available for the entire time period:
[ actual payroll / Adjusted Forecast Sales ] * 100
If both actual payroll and actual sales data are available for the entire time period:
[ actual payroll / actual sales ] * 100
If actual payroll data is not available and actual sales is available for the entire time period:
[ Adjusted Forecast Payroll / actual sales ] * 100
If neither actual payroll and actual sales data are available for the entire time period:
[ Adjusted Forecast Payroll / Adjusted Forecast Sales ] * 100
If actual payroll and sales data is available for only part of the time period:
[ ( actual payroll + Adjusted Forecast Payroll ) / ( actual sales + Adjusted Forecast Sales ] * 100