Excluding All Locations of the Same Location Type

By default, locations of all location types except DEPARTMENT are included in the solicitation process. The application can be configured to exclude all locations of one or more specific location types, except for the root location, from the solicitation process for either budgets, forecasts, or both. Companies may choose to exclude all locations of certain location types if, for example, they want to solicit feedback only from store budget managers and not from budget managers of other locations.

For configuration instructions, see Setting Up Location Types for the Solicitation Process.


When a location type is excluded from the solicitation process, budget managers of those locations cannot edit the Worksheet. However, they can still view the Worksheet and receive related notifications.

Locations of a specified location type can be excluded from the solicitation process for either budgets, forecasts, or both. If you select locations on the Worksheet that are excluded from the solicitation process, and try to release to them, an error message is displayed. Otherwise, the budget/forecast is automatically released or submitted to the location at the next available location type in the hierarchy.

If any location types are excluded from the solicitation process, then the following Worksheet actions are processed asynchronously. The budget manager of a location that is the:

  • parent of an excluded location type releases a plan.
  • child of an excluded location type submits a plan.

For information about synchronous and asynchronous actions, see Synchronous and asynchronous actions.