Messages when recalculating

These messages may be displayed when clicking Recalculate on the Worksheet:

Violation At the top of the worksheet In the Messages column
No violations Recalculation Finished. none
Minimum Hours violation Recalculation Finished. There is a min/max requirements violation. Check your worksheet for details. Minimum hours violated. Minimum value is <required minimum value> hours.
Maximum Hours violation Recalculation Finished. There is a min/max requirements violation. Check your worksheet for details. Maximum hours violated. Maximum value is <maximum value> hours.
Maximum Payroll violation Recalculation Finished. There is a min/max requirements violation. Check your worksheet for details. Maximum Payroll violated. Maximum value is: <maximum value> hours.
Minimum Payroll violation Recalculation finished: There is a min/max requirements violation. Check your worksheet for details. Minimum Payroll violated. The Minimum value is <minimum value> hours.