Temporary and Multiple Budget Managers
If the budget manager is away from the office, for example, on vacation, or attending a training course, then a different user can be assigned as the temporary budget manager role for that team for the required period of time. When this happens, the original budget manager’s assignment is split in two. For example, if User A has been assigned as budget manager since January 1, 2000 and then User B is assigned as temporary budget manager from 05/02/2005 – 05/14/2005, then User A’s assignment is split into two. As a result, User A and User B are budget managers for these dates:
- User A: 01/01/2000 to 05/01/2005
- User B: 05/02/2005 to 05/14/2005
- User A: 05/15/2005 to 01/01/3000
The temporary budget manager can see the entire team hierarchy below the location, since it also provides access to the underlying security structure.
If two users are assigned as budget managers for the same time period, the system always chooses the latest entry (by time) as the most current. The system automatically unassigns anyone else from that role for the same team during the overlapping period.
There may cases where you want to assign the same user to a parent and a child location simultaneously. For example, suppose that when the budget manager of Store 53 goes on vacation, her manager wants to be the budget manager of Store 53. To enable a user to be assigned to parent and child locations, you must set the CHECK_FOR_EXISTING_USER_TEAM registry parameter to false. By default, this registry parameter is set to true, which prevents assigning a user to a location that is the child or parent of the current location.