Execution groups by user action
The application uses execution groups to perform user actions, including actions on the Worksheet, and generating or importing a plan. The execution groups may differ depending on the type of plan, that is, whether it is a BUP (bottom-up projection), budget, or forecast.
For information about individual execution groups, see Default Execution Groups.
The application uses execution groups to execute these user actions:
- Updating the View on the Worksheet
- Recalculating data on the worksheet
- Saving Data on the Worksheet
- Locking the Worksheet
- Unlocking the Worksheet
- Releasing down the hierarchy
- Submitting Up the Hierarchy
- Mass-Editing Data on the Worksheet
- Regenerating Workload
- Viewing Plan Data by Department Type
- Generating a Top-Down Forecast
- Generating a BUP
- Execution groups for importing a plan
- Execution groups for copying Actuals