Creating a New Layout

The layout template for a forecast is specified in the forecast-method parameters. The forecast method is selected during forecast generation.

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Labor Budgeting > Labor Budgeting Settings > Layouts.
    The Layouts page is displayed.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
    The Layouts Detail page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a unique name for the new layout.
    Specify a brief description of the new layout.
    Specify the group column headings to display on the Worksheet in the order in which to display them. Use columns between each group, for example: Sales, Hours, Payroll, Payroll Percent.
    If you are creating a template, leave this field blank. When the layout is used as part of a budget import or a forecast generation, this field is automatically populated.

    If you are creating a layout for immediate use on the Worksheet, reference the forecast from which the layout should access the forecasted data.

  4. Click Save.
    After the system saves the layout information, the page displays the Layout Item Column area, so that you can define the columns for this layout:
  5. In the Forecast Layout Item Column area, complete the following fields for each column added to the layout:
    Specify a unique name for the column. This name is displayed on the Worksheet.
    Specify a brief description of the column.
    Column Name
    The value of this field is the database column or other column where the values to display on the Worksheet are stored. For columns in the default layouts, this is the value of the Column Name column on the Layout Details page. See Worksheet Columns in the Budget Creation Module.
    Is Editable
    This flag field indicates whether a column is editable on the Worksheet. This column corresponds to the Is Editable column on the Layout Details page. The columns in the default layouts that are editable by default. See Worksheet differences between the Budget Creation and Budget Management.

    To modify which fields are editable or add new editable fields, you must also modify existing rules or create new ones.

    Column Group Name
    Specify the group column heading under which this column will be displayed on the Worksheet. This heading must be one of the names you defined in the Groups field in a previous step. Otherwise the column will not be displayed on the Worksheet.
    Column Type
    Specify the type of data to display in this column. This data may be stored in a database column in the FCST_ITEM table, calculated on the Worksheet, or both. The data can be one of these types:

    The column types of columns in default top-down layouts are described in Worksheet Columns in the Budget Management Module. The column types of columns in default BUP layouts is always Column.

    Column Order
    Specify the order in which to display the columns from left to right within the same group, on the Worksheet. Indicate the left-most column in the group with a 1 (one).
    Relevant only when the Column Type, above, is Column, when the application references values stored in the database.

    If this layout references another plan, such as a reference budget, select the plan from the lookup.

    Tip: This parameter is especially useful for BUP or forecast layouts. This parameter enables the differences between the original and generated values to be displayed.

    Select the versions that the budget manager can see:
    • For a budget in Real Time view, select the WORKING or MASTER version.
    • For a budget in Phased view, select the WORKING, MASTER, SYSFORECAST, or RELEASED TO ME version.
    • For a forecast in Real Time view, select the WORKING, SYSFORECAST, or MASTER version.
    • For a forecast in Phased view, select the WORKING, MASTER, or RELEASED TO ME version.

    For information about Real Time and Phased views, see Real Time and Phased Views.

    For a BUP, select the WORKING or MASTER version.

    See Versions.

  6. Repeat the previous step for each column in the layout.
    You must click Save before navigating between multiple Layouts Detail pages, because the application does not automatically save your changes when you click the Next and Prev buttons.
  7. Click Save.
    The page refreshes and the following message is displayed at the top of the page: Your changes have been saved.
  8. Click Return to form listing.
    The Layouts page is displayed, and the new layout is now listed.