Regenerating workload

Workload is the amount of work time for a specified time period, expressed in hours. The application uses workload to project future payroll costs. See Workload.

When you recalculate, save, or lock the Worksheet after editing data, the application automatically recalculates non-workload values that are displayed in other columns on the Worksheet. The application does not automatically regenerate workload. See Note about regenerating workload when using imported driver data.

The Drivers column on the Worksheet displays the aggregated sum of driver forecasts for all child locations. This forecasted data is stored in the FCST_DRIVER table. By default, these are sales drivers only. If you edit these values, then when the application regenerates workload, the application distributes these edited values to each constituent driver. This changes the staffing requirement hours.

Note about regenerating workload when using imported driver data

The application supports using imported driver data instead of forecasted driver data, which is stored in the FCST_DRIVER_IMPORT table.

  • If the FCST_DRIVER_IMPORT table contains data for any time periods for which the application is regenerating workload, it uses this data instead of data from the FCST_DRIVER table.
  • For time periods for which there is no data in the FCST_DRIVER_IMPORT table, the application uses forecasted data, which is stored in the FCST_DRIVER table.

    See Importing a Driver Forecast Instead of Forecasting Driver Actuals.