Budget Adjusted Trend Parameters

Parameter Description Example
salesBaseLineWeights= weightForTimePeriod1, weightForTimePeriod2, etc. The weighting to assign a given time period when calculating the baseline weights for sales. The number of entries also specifies the number of weeks to use. 3 time periods (tp) into the future:

tp1 has a weight of 1

tp2 has a weight of 8

tp3 has a weight of 20

salesBaseLineWeights= 1, 8, 20

4 time periods (tp) into the future:

tp1 has a weight of 1

tp2 - unused

tp3 - unused

tp4 has a weight of 8

salesBaseLineWeights= 1, 0, 0, 8

salesTrendWeights = weightForPreviousWeek1, weightForPreviousWeek2, etc. The number of past time periods and the weights to use when calculating the trend percentage for sales.

3 time periods (tp) into the past:

tp1 has a weight of 8,

tp2 has a weight of 4

tp3 has a weight of 1

salesTrendWeights = 8, 4, 1

5 time periods (tp) into the past:

tp1 has a weight of 8

tp2 has a weight of 4

tp3 has a weight of 1

tp4 - unused

tp5 has a weight of 1

salesTrendWeights = 8, 4,1, 0, 1

ahrBaseLineWeights = weightForTimePeriod1, weightForTimePeriod2, etc. The weighting to assign a given time period when calculating the baseline weights for the average hourly rate. The number of entries also specifies the number of weeks to use.

3 time periods (tp) into the future:

tp1 has a weight of 1

tp2 has a weight of 8

tp3 has a weight of 20

ahrBaseLineWeights = 1, 8, 20

4 time periods (tp) into the future:

tp1 has a weight of 1

tp2 - unused

tp3 - unused

tp4 has a weight of 8

ahrBaseLineWeights = 1, 0, 0, 8

ahrPastTimePeriods = number of past time periods to use The number of past time periods to use when calculating the average hourly rate trend percentage. Use 8 past time periods when calculating AHR: ahrPastTimePeriods = 8
forecastInitialStateName = stateName The initial state of the forecast. Set the state of the forecast to Initial: forecastInitialStateName = Initial
topDownVolumeTypeName = volumeTypeName The volume type to forecast. topDownVolumeTypeName = AHR, REVENUE
topDownFieldName The name of the field where the forecasted value is displayed. The order of the properties specified here should match the order specified in the topDownVolumeTypeName list. topDownFieldName = fcitAhr,fcitSales
forecastTypeName = type Name The type of forecast to create. Valid entries come from the FCTYP_NAME field of the FCST_TYPE table.

Specify a type of FORECAST:

forecastTypeName = Forecast

ruleGroupName = groupName The name of the rule group to associate with the forecast. Note that the rule group specified here is not used when initially creating the forecast. Valid entries come from the FCRG_NAME column of the FCST_RULE_GROUP table.



createRuleGroupName = groupName The rule group used when creating a forecast. Valid entries come from the FCRG_NAME column of the FCST_RULE_GROUP table.


refForecastLayoutName = layoutName The name of the layout that is copied for the forecast. Valid entries come from the FCL_NAME column of the FCST_LAYOUT table.


calculatorClass = className The name of the calculator class. calculatorClass = com.workbrain.app.modules.budgeting.forecasting.impl.Weighted HistoricsCalculator
valuesFromBudget = fieldName1,fieldName2 The values copied from the budget. Valid entries are the list of properties from the FcstItemData class that do not start with "updated".

Copy payroll percentage and minimum hours: valuesFromBudget = fcitPayrollPct, fcitMinHours

updatedValuesFromBudget = fieldName1,fieldName2 The update fields into which to copy the values from the budget. Valid entries are the list of properties from the FcstItemData class that start with "updated". The order of the properties specified here should match the order specified in the valuesFromBudget list. Specify that the payroll percentage is copied into the update Payroll Pct field and the minimum hours are copied to the updated min hours field:

updatedValuesFromBudget = updatedFcitPayrollPct,updatedFcitMinHours

ahrHighLowExclusionThreshold = int The threshold at which high and low values are eliminated from the AHR trend percentage calculation.

Specify an exclusion threshold of 5:

ahrHighLowExclusionThreshold = 5

To include all values (no exclusions), specify a threshold that is larger than the number of time periods specified by the ahrPastTimePeriods parameter.

forecastMaxLocations = number The maximum number of locations for which a forecast can be generated from the Forecast Generation page. Specify 2000 locations: forecastMaxLocations = 2000
aggregateVersions = versionName The forecast version that is aggregated while updating the forecast. aggregateVersions = SYSFORECAST
volumeTypeAggregation = aggregationMethodName The aggregation method for the volume type. volumeTypeAggregation = AVG,SUM
forecastStartLevel = locationType The leaf level for the forecast. forecastStartLevel = STORE