Setting Up the Budget Manager Role

The budget manager is a role that is specific to Labor Budgeting. Users assigned to the budget manager role can edit the plan at their level in the hierarchy and below.

In addition to a defined budget manager role for a location, the budget manager of the Corporate location is the root budget manager. The root budget manager is the only budget manager who can lock the plan for the entire hierarchy. All root budget managers can lock and unlock their plans, but only the corporate root budget manager can publish or unpublish the plan for the entire hierarchy. This limitation is used by LFSO as a scheduling constraint.

To define the budget manager role:

  1. Select Maintenance > Security > Team Security > Role Definitions.
    The Role Definitions page is displayed.
  2. Click Edit beside the Budget Manager role.
    The Role Definitions Detail page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Role Name

    The name of the role.


    A brief description of the role.

    Virtual Role

    Select this check box if more than one person in this role can be assigned to the same team. Do not select this check box for the budget manager role.

    Wbrole Supervisor
    Select this check box if this is a supervisory role. This option assigns certain supervisor privileges to this role, such as approving timesheets for a team.
    Can Approve Time
    Enables a user role to approve time sheets of the team’s employees.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Add a budget manager role to each team and assign a user to each budget manager role.