Messages and Comments when Locking

These messages and comments may be displayed when clicking Lock on the Worksheet. The violation messages displayed an the top of the Worksheet are visible only when locking is a synchronous action and the Worksheet is visible. For information about synchronous and asynchronous actions, see Synchronous and asynchronous actions.

Violation At the Top of the Worksheet In the Messages Column At the top of the Comments Pop-Up Window
No violations Your edits have been locked. none You are about to LOCK your numbers. If you want to continue click on Save, otherwise click on Cancel
Locking with accepted violation Your budget has been locked Minimum Hours violation: Hours are below minimum. The required minimum is <minimum hours value>.

Maximum Hours violation: Hours are below maximum. The required maximum is <maximum>.

Root Time Period violation, such as Payroll: Maximum Payroll exceeded. The required payroll is (maximum payroll value>

You are about to LOCK your numbers. If you want to continue click on Save, otherwise click on Cancel
Locking with not accepted violation Minimum Hours violation: Minimum Hours Violated.

Maximum Hours violation: Maximum Hours Violated

Root Time Period violation, such as Payroll: Maximum Payroll exceeded.

Minimum Hours violation: Minimum Hours Violated. The required minimum is <minimum hours value>.

Maximum Hours violation: Maximum Hours Violated. The required maximum is <maximum>.

Root Time Period violation, such as Payroll: Maximum Payroll exceeded. The required payroll is (maximum payroll value>.

The Lock button is disabled, so the Comments box does not open.