Real Time and Phased Views
The system supports two approaches to viewing budgets and forecasts: Real Time view and Phased view. The view is determined by the which kind of layout you use to display the budget/forecast on the Worksheet. Ultimately, the view is determined by which versions a layout displays on the Worksheet. See Setting Up Layouts.
Real Time View
In Real Time view, budget managers can immediately see changes to the budget/forecast as it is released or submitted, at any level they have permission to view.
Phased View
In Phased view, all budget managers except the corporate budget manager can see only the data that budget managers at higher levels have released to them. This data is either:
- the original unedited data from the budget import
- the original unedited data from the forecast generation
- the numbers edited by budget managers at higher levels
The budget manager always sees these numbers as the original numbers, whether or not they have been edited.
A budget manager who has submitted or released the budget/forecast cannot see the changes made by managers at other levels until the budget/forecast is either:
- released or submitted to the budget manager again
- locked by the root budget manager