The Worksheet at a Glance
The Worksheet page has two sections: The left section determines what is displayed in the right section. Clicking
in the left section displays the right section.The data you can view is determined by your security settings, including the team to which you belong, and the state of the plan for the parent and child locations. These settings also partly determine which action buttons are displayed and whether they are enabled or disabled.
This table describes the main controls on the Worksheet page. The numbers in the table can be seen in the screen capture above:
Reference Number | Control | Description |
1 | Layout | Click the Layout pop-up window. Selecting a layout automatically populates the Location(s) and Time Period(s) boxes. | button to select a layout from the
2 | Find |
After the layout is loaded, typing in the text box and clicking selects the first location that matches the search criteria.Note: The Find tool does not clear any previously selected
locations: The previously selected locations remain selected and the first
matching location becomes selected.
3 |
Either select Multi-Select Location to display multiple locations for a single time period (default), or select Multi-Select Time Period to display multiple time periods for a single location. You cannot simultaneously view multiple locations and multiple time periods. |
4 | Select Immediate Children | By default, clicking a location check box selects that location only. However, clicking the Select Immediate Children check box before clicking a location automatically selects the location and all its immediate child locations. Similarly, clearing the check box for a parent location immediately clears all its child locations. The Select Immediate Children check box in the Time Period(s) box has the same behavior: Clicking the Select Immediate Children check box before clicking a time period automatically selects the time period and all its immediate child time periods. |
5 | Update View | Click | to display the Worksheet with the data specified by the selected layout, location, and time-period criteria.
6 | Hide/show left selection screen | Click the Hide/show left selection screen hyperlink to toggle between hiding and showing the left section of the Worksheet. |
7 | buttons | The buttons that are displayed and enabled are determined by your security settings, including the team to which you belong, the state of the plan for the parent and child locations, and registry parameter settings. For detailed descriptions of each button, see Worksheet Actions . |
8 | columns |
The columns are determined by the type of plan and the specific layout. See Worksheet differences between the Budget Creation and Budget Management. The displayed columns, their order, and their names, are configurable. See Setting Up Layouts. |