Exceptions to Synchronous Actions
The application does not process the leaf location action synchronously in the following scenario:
- The budget manager of Store 1 submits the budget. The application processes this action synchronously because Store 1 is a leaf location. At the same time, it locks the Master version.
- The budget manager of Store 2 submits the budget while the application is processing the budget submission from Store 1. The application processes this action asynchronously.
- The budget manager of Store 3 submits the budget after the application finished processing the submission from Store 1 and after it added the budget submission of Store 2 to a queue for asynchronous processing. The application processes the Store 3 submission synchronously.
If any location types are excluded from the solicitation process, then the following Worksheet actions are processed asynchronously:
- The budget manager of a location that is the parent of an excluded location type releases a plan.
- The budget manager of a location that is the child of an excluded location type submits a plan. This is actually processed as two actions: submitting to the excluded location and then submitting from the excluded location to that location’s parent location. Submitting to the excluded location may be processed synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the value of the SYNC_ACTION_LOC_TYPES registry parameter. Submitting from the excluded location to that location’s parent is always processed as an asynchronous action.
For information about the Exclude from Solicitation feature, see Excluding All Locations of the Same Location Type.