Viewing Plan Data by Department Type

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Labor Budgeting > Labor Budgeting Worksheet.
  2. Click the Click here to view department type totals link at the top of the page.
    The Filter Criteria window is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Location Type

    Select the highest-level location type to search, using the lookup. The Budget Management module also searches all locations under the selected location type. For information on location types, see Location and Labor Budgeting Location Types.

    For example, select DEPARTMENT location.

    Location Name
    Specify the name of a location. You can use wildcards to search for a partial match. For example, you can use %TV% to search for all locations with TV in the name.
    Location Property
    Select any user-defined location property, such as department type or square footage, using the lookup.

    Determines the acceptable range of the Property Value and the Location Property fields:

    • =: Equal to
    • <>: Not equal to
    • >: Greater than. (Numerical values only.)
    • >=: Greater than or equal to. (Numerical values only.)
    • <: Less than. (Numerical values only.)
    • <=: Less than or equal to. (Numerical values only.)
    • LIKE: The text value. You can use wildcards to search for a partial match. For example, you can use %TV% to search for all property values that include TV. This behaves like other text fields in Search panels in the application. (Text values only.)
    Property Value

    The user-defined value of the Location Property field.

    Example 1: If the user-defined location property is department type, then the user-defined value may be “TV”.

    Example 2: If the user-defined location property is square footage, the condition is <=, and the property value is 50,000, then the report displays all locations with a square footage less than or equal to 50,000.

  4. Click OK.
    The Department Type Totals Report is displayed.
This report displays plan data only for locations specified by the filter criteria. Locations not specified by the filter criteria are displayed in the report, but zeros (0) are displayed for those locations. For example, if you specified in the search criteria to display only location names ending with “4”, then data is displayed only for those locations. All other locations display zeros.