The Budget Creation Module
The Budget Creation module generates Bottom Up Projections (BUPs). The BUP process starts at the leaf locations (departments), and leaf time periods (weeks). BUP applies an algorithm to the historical data for all leaf locations. The data is collected from other modules. The modules data is aggregated for all location and time period hierarchies.
The Budget Creation module uses this information from LFSO to create projections:
- Driver distributions, as configured in the Budget Creation module.
- Volume-driven staffing requirements. For example, the number of cashiers in a front-end department.
- Non-volume-driven staffing requirements. For example, the number of cleaners at a store.
- Events and store-property-driven staffing requirements for company meetings and training.
- Special days, to enable accurate forecasting. Special days are when there are unusual changes to volume types. These changes can be due to unusual circumstances, such as a snowstorm
BUP uses AHR to determine labor costs. By default, the Budget Creation module uses non-productive time codes such as vacation, holidays, unpaid leave, and sick days. These time codes have been configured in
and aggregated from the to create projections of non-productive hours. Other time codes can be configured and tracked.After creating a BUP, the Budget Creation module can export the plan data to the Budget Management module. The module can import the plan data for use in a solicitation process.