Mass-editing the worksheet

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Labor Budgeting > Labor Budgeting Worksheet.
  2. Decided whether to display data for either multiple locations and a single time period, or for multiple time periods and a single locations:
    • To display data for multiple locations and a single time period (default), click Multi-Select Location.
    • To display data for multiple time periods and a single location, click Multi-Select Time. The selected time periods will be the root time periods to which to apply the mass-edit.
  3. Optionally, if you selected multiple locations and a single time period, you can select a time period in the time period hierarchy (in the left pane).
    If you do not select a time period, the application mass-edits the root time period.
  4. Click Update View.
  5. If the Worksheet displays multiple locations and a single time period, select one or more locations as the root locations for applying the mass-edit changes.

    You can select a parent location to edit its child locations.

    You can select multiple child locations at the same level in the hierarchy.

    You cannot simultaneously edit a parent and child location.

    You can mass-edit only the locations you have permission to edit.

    Selecting a parent location or one or more child locations at the same level of the hierarchy enables the Mass Edit button.

  6. If the Worksheet displays multiple time periods and a single location, the Mass Edit button is automatically enabled. The mass-edit will be applied to all time periods displayed on the Worksheet. You specify which time periods to mass-edit in step 2, before clicking Update View.

    The selected time periods do not need to be at the same level of the hierarchy. For example, you can select Quarter 1, May, June, and Week 23.

    If you select time periods at different levels of the hierarchy and in the same branch of the hierarchy, the mass-edit is applied to the time period at the highest level of the hierarchy. For example, if you select Quarter 1 and January, then the mass-edit is applied to all the months in Quarter 1 and not only to January.

  7. Click Mass Edit.

    The Mass-Edit Criteria pop-up window is displayed. The Mass Edit button is displayed only if all the conditions are true in Mass-editing permissions.

    If the additional mass-edit options are not enabled (default setting), then the pop-up window is displayed as follows:

    If the additional mass-edit options are enabled, then the pop-up window is displayed as follows:

  8. Specify one or more of the following filter criteria to specify the locations to which to apply the mass-edit. For example, you can search all locations that have a specified property value. By default, the application searches all locations.
    Location Type

    Select the highest-level location type to search, using the lookup. The application also searches all locations under the selected location type. For information on location types, see Location and Labor Budgeting Location Types.

    For example, select the REGION location.

    Location Name
    Specify the name of a location. You can use wildcards to search for a partial match.
    Location Property
    Select any user-defined location property, such as department type or square footage, using the lookup.

    Determines the acceptable range of the Property Value for the Location Property:

    =: Equal to.

    <>: Not equal to.

    >: Greater than. (Numerical values only.)

    >=: Greater than or equal to. (Numerical values only.)

    <: Less than. (Numerical values only.)

    <=: Less than or equal to. (Numerical values only.)

    LIKE: The text value. You can use wildcards to search for a partial match. For example, you can use %TV% to search for all property values that include TV. This behaves like other text fields in Search panels in the application. (Text values only.)

    Property Value

    The user-defined value of the Location Property.

    Example 1: If the user-defined location property is department type, then the user-defined value may be “TV”.

    Example 2: If the user-defined location property is square footage, the condition is <=, and the property value is 50,000, then the report displays all locations with a square footage less than or equal to 50,000.

  9. Under Edit Criteria, specify the data to edit and how to edit it:
    Change Column
    Use the lookup to select the Worksheet column to mass-edit. You can mass-edit the values in any editable column. You can mass-edit values in only one column at a time.
    Change %
    Specify the percentage by which to change the value in the column specified above. (Displayed only if the additional mass-edit options are not enabled. See Setting Up Additional Mass-Edit Options.)
    Select one of the following options, which determines how to change the data and what to specify in the text box. (Displayed only if the additional mass-edit options are enabled. See Setting Up Additional Mass-Edit Options.)
    % Change
    Changes the value in the column specified above by the percentage change specified here.
    Value Change
    Changes the value in the column specified above by the specified value for each location that meets the filter criteria. By default, the specified value is added to the value in the column. To subtract the specified value from the value in the column, specify the minus operator ( - ) before the number.
    Value Change Distributed
    Proportionately distributes the value in the column specified above by the specified value among all the locations that meet the filter criteria in the hierarchy. By default, the distributed value is added to the value in the column. To subtract the distributed value from the value in the column, specify the minus operator ( - ) before the number.
    For detailed explanations and examples of the Value Change and Value Change Distributed options, see Additional Mass-Edit Options.
  10. Click OK.

    A message box displays the number of locations that meet the filter criteria specified earlier and to which the mass-edits will be applied.

    This is useful if you know the number of locations you expect to mass-edit. For example, suppose you are the budget manager responsible for all TV departments and you know there are 45 departments. If this message states that only 10 locations meet the filter criteria, then you should cancel the mass-edit and redo the filter criteria.

  11. Click Apply.
  12. The application recalculates the data for all these locations for the root or specified time period.

    The application also uses the standard distribution rules to:

    • Distribute any changes to a parent location among its child locations that meet the filter criteria.
    • Aggregate any changes to child locations to the parent location.

    See Calculating worksheet data.

  13. After the recalculation is complete, one of the following occurs:
    • If the mass-edit is processed synchronously, the application reloads the Worksheet data based on the selected layout, locations, time periods, and mass-edited data.
    • If you are assigned to a location that is configured for asynchronous processing, you are directed to the Mail inbox.

    See Synchronous and asynchronous actions.

  14. A message is displayed on the Worksheet stating how many locations were edited.
  15. A Workmail message is sent to the budgeting manager who performed the mass-edit stating how many locations were edited.
If there are any violations due to the recalculation, the violated rows are highlighted and a message is displayed in the Message column. See Messages when recalculating.