Releasing the budget or forecast using mass-release
- Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Labor Budgeting > Labor Budgeting Worksheet.
Select one option:
- To release the budget/forecast to individually selected locations, select the check box for each of those locations.
- To mass-release the budget/forecast based on location type, then select any location type that is at the same level or higher than the location type to which you want to release, while under your own location. For example, select your location or locations under you to whom you want to release the numbers. For example, if you are the root budget manager and you want to mass-release the budget/forecast to all the districts, then select the root location, and set Release to a location type to DISTRICT in the step for the Mass Release Parameters window.
Click Release.
If you try to release to a location for which the corresponding location type has been excluded from the solicitation process, an error message is displayed. For details about the message, see Messages and Comments when Releasing. For information about the Exclude from Solicitation feature, see Excluding All Locations of the Same Location Type.
The Mass Release Parameters window is displayed.
Select one option:
- To only release to the locations that you selected on the Worksheet, select the Release based on worksheet selection check box.
- To mass-release based on location type, select the Release to a location type check box, and use the lookup to select the location type of the locations to which you want to release the budget/forecast.
If you are assigned to the budget manager role for more than one location, then you must take extra care when you release the budget/forecast. See Budget manager for multiple locations.
- Click Continue.
Optionally, in the pop-up window, specify any comments about the
current release process.
These comments are displayed on the History page if Change Types is set to Comment. See Viewing historical changes to worksheet data.
Click Save to release the
The system releases the budget/forecast down the hierarchy. After releasing, you can no longer edit the budget/forecast. However, you can add comments via the Comments button at any time.
If you are mass-releasing a forecast, then the forecast is released only to locations for which the Release to Location check box is selected on the Labor Budgeting Location page. For locations that do not have the Release to Location check box selected, the forecast is released to the budget managers of the location above it, only if the Release to Location check box is checked for those locations. The system continues looking for locations above it in the hierarchy until it finds a location for which the Release to Location check box is selected.