Setting the maximum allowed rows on worksheets
You use the MAX_ALLOWED_ROWS_IN_LB_WORKSHEET registry parameter to specify the maximum number of rows that are displayed on the Worksheet. By default, the maximum number is 100.
If you select more locations than the default number of allowed rows, the Worksheet does not load after you click Update View. The following message is displayed in the top left of the Worksheet: Too many locations were selected; please change your selection criteria.
If the Worksheet is already loaded and you select more locations than the specified maximum and click Update View, then the Worksheet is not updated, and it continues to display the data for the previously selected locations. However, the location hierarchy tree displays the newly selected locations.The following message is displayed in the top left of the Worksheet: Too many locations were selected; please change your selection criteria.
See the Infor WFM Registry Parameter Reference Guide.