Maximum System Values

Maximum system values are the maximum values that can be stored in the database. The user cannot enter values that exceed this maximum. However, if aggregated data from multiple locations exceeds this maximum, there is a violation. For example, sales entered for a leaf location cannot exceed the system maximum. However, when sales from many leaf locations are aggregated for a parent location, this may cause a violation.

Maximum values are defined as parameters in the VALIDATE SYSTEM MAX VALUE rule. This rule checks all values in a plan against the maximum values that can be stored in the system database. See VALIDATE SYSTEM MAX VALUE.


The DFT VALIDATE PARENTSYSMAX EXEC GRP execution group belongs to the following rule groups:

Labor Budgeting enforces the maximum system values as follows:

  1. For any Worksheet action except publishing, Labor Budgeting checks whether there are violations of the maximum system values for the current location and the locations below it.
    • If there is a violation for the current location, Labor Budgeting cancels the action and displays the following message:
      Maximum <localizationId> exceeded. Maximum value is <maxValue>.

      For example, if a store budget manager edits Week 12 budget payroll data so that it exceeds the fcitPayroll_maxValue=99999999999.99999999 value for that store location and then recalculates the budget, it triggers a violation. Labor Budgeting cancels the action and displays the following maximum value message:

      Maximum Payroll exceeded. Maximum value is $99999999999.99999999
    • If there is a violation for a location below the current location, Labor Budgeting cancels the action and displays the following message:
      Maximum <localizationId> exceeded for <violating location> - <time period>. The maximal value is <maxValue>. Check your Worksheet for details. 

      For example:

      Maximum Payroll Percent exceeded for BDG_QA_1.1 - Year 2005. The maximal value is 99.99999999. Check your Worksheet for details.
  2. Labor Budgeting checks whether there are violations for the location above the current location. If there is a violation for the location above the current location, Labor Budgeting cancels the action and displays the following message:

    Your edits caused a DB max violation for a location above you. Please adjust your numbers.