Available actions

The following actions may be available on the Worksheet:

Click Action Description See...
Recalculate After the Worksheet data has been edited, recalculates non-workload data. Note that for the Budget Management module, all data is recalculated, because there is no workload information. Recalculate data on the worksheet
Save Saves changes to the Worksheet data. Save data on the worksheet
Lock Locks the Worksheet data so that no one can edit it but all budget managers can view it. Locking the Worksheet
Unlock Unlocks the Worksheet data so that it can be edited. Unlocking the Worksheet
Publish Publishes the generated payroll data on the Worksheet to LFSO for use as a scheduling constraint. Publishing and Unpublishing Payroll Data to LFSO
Unpublish Unpublishes the generated payroll data on the Worksheet to LFSO so it cannot use it as a scheduling constraint. Publishing and Unpublishing Payroll Data to LFSO
Release Releases the Worksheet data to locations at a lower level as part of the solicitation process. Releasing Down the Hierarchy
Submit Submits the Worksheet data to locations at a higher level as part of the solicitation process. Submitting Up the Hierarchy
Mass Edit Edit data for multiple locations simultaneously. Mass-Editing Data on the Worksheet
Workload After the Worksheet data has been edited, recalculates workload data. Regenerating workload
Comments Adds a comment that can be viewed on the History page. Adding Comments on the Worksheet
Print Prints the Worksheet data to a PDF file. Print Worksheet Data to a PDF
Export Exports the Worksheet data to a CSV file. Export Worksheet Data
Click here to view department type totals link View Worksheet data for locations under a parent location that meet specific criteria, for example, all departments of a certain type, such as televisions, under a parent location, or for all stores of a specified size, such as 50,000 sq. ft. This information is displayed in the Department Type Totals Report. Viewing Plan Data by Department Type

For information on how Worksheet actions affect the variable coefficient, see Variable Coefficient Column.

For a list of execution groups used in each Worksheet action, see Execution groups by user action.