
Clicking Submit triggers the state change rules to perform the following:

  1. Move data from your working copy to the Master copy and re-aggregate data.
  2. The child locations of the submitting parent maintain their original states. For example, if the submitting node is a parent node and the children are in Initial state, the child locations remain in Initial state after the parent has submitted, while the state of the parent changes to Submitted.
  3. One of the following changes occurs:
    • If all the sibling nodes for the current nodes have submitted their budgets/forecasts, the state of the parent node changes to the state To Review.
    • If at least one child node is in Initial state while the rest of the children nodes are in Submitted state, the status of the parent node changes to the state To Review.
    • If all the children nodes are in Initial state then the state of the parent node changes to Pending.