Example 1: Value Change

Suppose that you want to add 1000 hours to each store that is in a mall location. After clicking Mass Edit on the Worksheet, specify the following information in the Mass-Edit Criteria pop-up window:

  1. In the Filter Criteria area:
    1. Use the Location Type lookup to select STORE.
    2. Use the Location Property lookup to select your user-defined property that identifies the type of store location. For example, select STORE LOCATION.

    3. Select = (equal sign) in the Condition drop-down list.
    4. In the Property Value box, specify the user-defined value for the user-defined property. For example, specify MALL LOCATION.
  2. In the Edit Criteria area:
    1. Use the Change Column lookup to select the column in which to change the values.
    2. In the Change box, specify the value to apply to each location that meets the filter criteria. For example, specify 1000.
    3. In the By drop-down list, select Value Change.
  3. Click OK.

The application performs the following calculations:

  1. Adds 1000 to all the locations that meet the filter criteria, which are stores that are mall locations. The values in the following locations change:
    • STORE 1.1 now has a value of 1100.
    • STORE 2.1 now has a value of 1400.
  2. Aggregates the values for the stores to the parent districts. The values in the following locations change:
    • DISTRICT 1 now has a value of 1400.
    • DISTRICT 2 now has a value of 1600.
  3. Aggregates the values for the districts to the parent region. The values in the REGION location changes to 3000.

The following table compares the initial and mass-edited values:

Location Initial Hours Mass-Edited Hours (By Value)
REGION 1000 3000
DISTRICT 1 400 1400
DISTRICT 2 600 1600
STORE 1.1 - MALL LOCATION 100 1100
STORE 2.1 - MALL LOCATION 400 1400

The following diagram displays the initial and mass-edited values in the context of the hierarchy: