Must have worked 680 hours since commencement date

You can define this example requirement using a combination of a configured balance, an accrual, the Error Rule, and these associated conditions:

  • Worked N Minutes
  • Is Balance in Range

See Rule configuration.

  1. Create a new balance to track the number of eligible work minutes an employee has since the accrual commencement date. For example:
    Balance Description Type Maximum Minimum
    ELIGIBLE-MIN Number of eligible work minutes an emp has Minutes 40800 0
  2. Create an accrual that accrues weekly at a ratio of 1 using the same custom ratio that is defined in the paid sick leave accrual. For example, give 1 minute of eligible time for every eligible minute worked. For example:
    Name Description Apply Every Apply On Value Start Date End Date
    ELIGIBLE WORK MINUTES Eligible Work Minutes Week 1 01/01/2012 01/01/3000
  3. Configure a single accrual detail, with the parameters that are listed below. For this example condition, set a maximum of 40800 minutes, or 680 hours. After employees have accrued 40800 minutes, they cannot accrue any more time.

    This table shows the configuration detail:

    Parameter Value Description
    Priority 1
    Min Seniority Value 0 The accrual detail applies to all active employees regardless of their length of service. For example, they begin accruing paid sick leave immediately.
    Min Seniority Units DAYS
    Max Seniority Value 99
    Max Seniority Units YEARS
    Good Time Codes WRK, TRN (example only) This should default to the list of time codes that count as work time for the particular client.
    Balance Name ELIGIBLE-MIN (example only) The balance that is defined by the implementation team to track the number of eligible minutes the employee has worked since the start of the law.
    Units to Apply 1 The ratio of work time to eligible work time. Because this balance is tracking work time, the ratio is 1:1.
    Ratio entitlements.SumOfGoodMinutes The same custom ratio class that is defined above.
    Condition To Apply entitlements.DefaultEntAction Core
    Action to Be Taken entitlements.DefaultEntAction Core
    Max Value 40800 (example only) After employees have accrued 40800 minutes or 680 hours, they are eligible for sick leave and cannot accrue any additional time.
    Action on Max entitlements.DefaultEntAction Core