Editing your temporary pattern

As an employee, you can modify your own temporary availability pattern, but the changes will not come into effect unless they are authorized by your supervisor.

You can also make these change requests through the Employee Transaction Manager (ETM).

For information about using the ETM to modify temporary availability, see the Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

To edit temporary availability patterns:

  1. Select Maintenance > Employees > Employee Availability.
  2. Specify your employee identification number in the Employee field.
  3. Select the date of the temporary pattern you want to view using the Effective Date lookup.
    You can create a new temporary pattern by not specifying the Effective Date value and clicking New or New & Copy . All new temporary availability patterns also require supervisor authorization.
  4. Click Employee Availability Pattern.
  5. Select the temporary pattern you want to modify from the Availability Pattern drop-down list.
    The Availability Pattern drop-down list is displayed only if the employee has at least one temporary availability pattern in addition to their default pattern.
  6. If necessary, select the date to apply the temporary availability pattern in the Start Date field.
    If the temporary pattern is a 7-day pattern, the Start Date field is not displayed. Availability pattern length is controlled by a registry setting set by your system administrator.
  7. If necessary, select the date to stop applying the temporary availability pattern in the End Date field.
    If the temporary pattern is a 7-day pattern, the End Date field is not displayed. Availability pattern length is controlled by a registry setting set by your system administrator.
  8. If necessary, specify the location for each day of the week using the Team lookup.
    The Selection Parameters page may be configured so the Team lookup does not display on the page.
  9. If necessary, modify the time you can start working on each day of the week in the Start Time field.
  10. If necessary, modify the time you must stop working on each day of the week in the End Time field.
  11. If necessary, select the Midnight check box to indicate that the time you are able to work spans two days.
    For example, if an employee can work on Tuesday from 4:00PM to 2:00AM. You must select the Midnight check box if the availability block of time spans midnight. This selection is used by the system for validation purposes.
  12. If necessary, click Second Set of Available Times to add another row of time fields below the current ones if you need to specify additional availability time windows for a day.
  13. Specify the reasons for your change request in the Comments field.
    Comments are included in the request. Once the request is approved the comments are removed.
  14. Click Submit.
  15. Click OK.
The modifications that you made to your temporary pattern are not displayed until your supervisor has approved of the changes. When the changes are approved you will receive a notification.