Archive Transactions
All archive executions are saved in the WB_ARCH_TRANS and WB_ARCH_TRANS_DET tables. The WB_ARCH_TRANS table tracks the start and end for the entire transaction along with the final status and total records processed. This table also records the aging date and the transaction run parameters for which is essential to analyze transactions once the policy definitions change.
The following is a sample WB_ARCH_TRANS table:
ID | Pol-icy | Start | End | Sta-tus | Aging Date | Run Params | Msg |
1 | Payroll Data | 12/19/2003 10:47-:19 AM | 12/19/2003 10:48-:20 AM | APPL-IED | 11/19/2003 |
CLASS= com.workbrai ive.core.Arc hivePayroll| COMMIT_TYPE= EVERY_X_EMPL OYEE|COMMIT_ PARAMS=EMP_B ATCH_SIZE=10 |
2500 total records have been processed successfully |
2 | Inter-actions | 12/19/2003 10:47-:19 AM | 12/19/2003 10:47-:20 AM | ERR-OR | 11/19/2003 |
CLASS= com.workbrai ive.WBArchiv eDefault|COM MIT_TYPE=EVE RY_ARCHIVE_P OLICY |
0 total records
have been processed successfully.
Errors occurred during processing archive detail: MESSAGE wbarchive.WBArchiveException: Invalid Statement [SQL]:. |
The WB_ARCH_TRANS_DET table keeps details for each transaction based on the nature of commit type. Each detail keeps the start and end of the processing along with a number of processed records. The issued WHERE clause is also resolved.
The following is a sample WB_ARCH_TRANS_DET table:
ID | Start | End | Stat-us | Msg | Tables | WHERE |
1 | 12/19/2003 10:47-:19 AM | 12/19/2003 10:47-:19 AM | APPL-IED | 500 records have been processed successfully <br>Work Committed | RECIP-IENT_MES-SAGE <br> MESSAGE |
msg_id in (SELECT msg_id FROM business_object WHERE busobj_create_date < TO_DATE('11/19/2003 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') and busobjstat_id in (99,- 99,-97)) <br> msg_id in (SELECT msg_id FROM business_object WHERE busobj_create_date < TO_DATE('11/19/2003 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') and busobjstat_id in (99,- 99,-97)) |