Step 3: Importing the Inbound Migration file using Job Scheduler
In this topic you will learn how to import the migration file into your target environment/instance of WFM.
To import the migration into your target instance of WFM:
- In your target environment/instance of WFM, select Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler.
- Click Add Schedule and specify a task description.
- Select Migration Import Task from the drop down.
- Click Submit.
- Locate the task you just created on the Job Scheduler task list and click Parameters.
In Directory path, specify the
location of the migration file that you created and exported in Step 2: Creating an Outbound Migration. This is the directory on your target server
that contains the exported migration file.
Note: When configuring the SFTP endpoint for multi-tenant instances, you must specify the “AWS transfer family” endpoint. This configuration has a base path directory/folder. You must specify this directory/folder such as "directory" or you can use “something/else/and/directory”. The path must be same as the value you specified when configuring your migration environment in Step 1: Configuring the migration environment.
Click Submit.
Note: If you need more information on using Job Scheduler, see Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
- Locate the task again in the Job Scheduler task list and click Run Now to import the migration into your target instance of WFM.
Once the Job Scheduler task completes successfully, select Maintenance > System Administration > Data Migration > Migration Import > Inbound Migration
Note: You can also verify that the task completed successfully in the Job Scheduler task log.
The imported migration will appear in the list with this information:
- Name
- The migration name specified in Outbound Migration maintenance form.
- Description
- The migration description specified in Outbound Migration maintenance form.
- Import Time
- The time that the data migration was imported into this instance.
- Source Instance
- The instance id of the source instance.
- Create User
- The user who created the data migration in the source instance.
- Acutal Create User
- The actual user who created the data migration in the source instance.
- Create Time
- The time when the data migration was created in the source instance.
- Export Purpose
- The Purpose specified in the Export Pop-up in the source instance.
- Export User
- The user who exported the data migration in the source instance.
- Actual Export User
- The actual user who exported the data migration in the source instance.
- Export Time
- The time when the data migration was exported from the source instance.
Next, you will need to import the contents of the Inbound
Migration into WFM.