Searching for transaction records

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Archiving > Archiving Transactions.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the policy name.
    Wbat Start
    Specify the date when the archive started (format: DD/MM/YYYY).
    Wbat End

    Specify the date when the archive ended (format: DD/MM/YYYY).

    This archive ending includes events such as completion and aborts with errors.

    Wbat Status
    Specify the status of completed or failed.
    Wbat Msg
    Specify a message relating to the Wbat Status field.
    Wbat Aging Date

    Specify when the data is set to remain in the database (format: DD/MM/YYYY).

    Wbat Run Params
    Specify the parameters (such as commit type and commit parameters) used in defining the policy.
  3. Click Find to perform the records search.
The results are displayed beneath the parameter fields.