Configuring an API Suite

Use these steps to configure API Suites in Workforce Management. API Suites are collections of APIs that can be accessed by a consumer that you specify. API access permissions can also be configured for the consumer.

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Security > API Security > API Suites.
  2. Click Edit for the API Suite that you want to configure.
  3. Specify this information:
    Suite Name
    The name of the suite.
    Suite Description
    A description of the API Suite.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the API Suite APIs section of the maintenance form, click the “+” icon and select the APIs that will be part of the suite.
  6. Once complete, click Save.
  7. In the API Suite Consumers section of the maintenance form, click the “+” icon and specify this information:
    API Consumer ID
    Name of the API Consumer. This consumer will have access to the APIs in this suite.
    Specify one of these values: Edit (GET and POST requests), None (No permissions), View (GET requests only).
    Note: Consumers with the appropriate permissions can access the API from outside of Workforce Management using third party tools such as POSTMAN. For more information see Accessing your API from outside of Workforce Management.
  8. Once complete, click Save.
  9. In the API Suite Groups section of the maintenance form, click the “+” icon and specify this information:
    Security Group
    Name of the Workforce Management security group that will have access to the APIs in this suite.
    Specify one of these values: Edit (GET and POST requests), None (No permissions), View (GET requests only).
    Note: Users that are part of this security group can access the API from within Workforce Management. For more information see Accessing your API from within Workforce Management.
  10. Once complete, click Save.