Creating a user for the external integration

Use these steps to create an authenticated user for the API calls.

Note: This is an optional procedure. You can use an existing user with the appropriate security role for the API calls.
  1. Log in to Infor OS as the Infor System Administrator or as a user with the ION API Administrator role.
  2. In Infor OS, navigate to Security > Manage > User.
  3. Click +
  4. Specify this information:
    First Name
    Specify ION.
    Last Name
    Specify API.
    Email Address
    Provide an email address, such as: IONAPIUSER@INFOR.COM.
    Note: This is an example. You can choose any email address and name for your user.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Locate the user you created and click the User Details icon.
  7. Navigate to Security Roles.
  8. Click +
  9. Search for and select WFM-System_Admins.
  10. Click Add & Close.