Defining measurement groups

Measurement groups are a way to group employees who are subject to the same measurement periods within an organization. Depending on how your organization has decided to group employees, you may want to define separate measurement groups for each state (or group of states). Or you may want to define one measurement group for union employees and another for non-union employees.

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Affordable Care Act > Measurement Group.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the measurement group that you want to define.

    For example, if your organization is defining measurement groups by state, you might specify CA here.

    Specify a description, such as California.
    Specify the expected duration of this group’s measurement periods.
    Unit Type
    Select either Week or Month.

    Along with the Unit value, this value represents the expected length of a measurement period.

    See Defining measurement periods.

    Currently, these values are used only for display within the service hour JSP page. In future releases, these values may be used to autogenerate new measurement periods.

  4. Click Save to create the measurement group.
Note: This maintenance form can also be used to edit or delete measurement groups.