Recording tips received during a shift

Employees can use the Retail Tip override to specify tip details for a shift. Employees can record the amount of cash tips, the amount of credit tips, and any other tip amounts. They can also "tip out" a certain amount, which means it gets distributed as indirect tips to other employees.

  1. Click the View Schedule link.
  2. Click New under the day you earned the tips.
  3. Select Retail Tip from the drop-down list.
    If you do not see the override in the list, ensure the security group permissions for the override are set accordingly.

    See Setting user permissions for overrides and Adding override types to the timesheet.

  4. Specify this information:
    Select the check box to calculate tips as a percentage of total sales.
    Cash Tips
    Specify the amount of cash tips.
    Credit Tips
    Specify the amount of credit tips.
    Other Tips
    Specify the amount of any other tips.
    Tip Out
    Specify the amount of tips to distribute as indirect tips to other employees working the shift.
    Specify the amount of total sales during the shift.
    Start Time Date
    Specify the date of the shift during which the tips were received.
    Override Comment
    Specify any comments.
  5. Click Submit to save the changes to the schedule.
  6. Click Weekly Timesheet.