calc group

A group of employees that are subject to the same business or payroll rules.

Day Start Time

The time the workday begins. This time is used to determine the pay date for shifts that span the day boundary. Any shift starting before the Day Start Time is paid for the earlier day. A start time of midnight (00:00) causes a shift starting at 23:30 and ending at 7:30 to be paid under the earlier day. Setting the Day Start Time to 23:00 means this shift is paid under the later day.

default labor allocation

A planned work assignment for an employee that specifies what tasks they work on, and for how long, during the week. It describes where an employee's worked hours went by specifying a ratio for different dockets, jobs, projects, or departments by default.


A category in the application to report employee's time under in the default labor allocation or Enter Elapsed Time section of the Weekly Timesheet. Time worked can be split between different jobs or allocated all to one.


Generally used for incentive pay systems. A category in the application to report employee's time under in the default labor allocation or Enter Elapsed Time section of the Weekly Timesheet.

elapsed time overrides

Changes to how the time worked is spent and paid. Any difference from the employee's default labor allocation is recorded as an elapsed time override. This includes hours that are worked under a different docket, job, project, or department and working any overtime paid at a different rate.

employee balances

Record of the number of sick, vacation, and personal days that are available to an employee.

hour type

A code that specifies how to pay the employee for a period of time. The application defaults are Regular Time, Overtime (1.5 x Base Rate), Double Time (2.0 x Base Rate), and Unpaid.


A category in the application to report employee's time under in the default labor allocation or Enter Elapsed Time section of the Weekly Timesheet. Time worked can be split between different jobs or allocated all to one.

non-elapsed time overrides

Changes to the time that is worked by an employee during the week. Any difference from the employee's schedule is recorded as a non-elapsed time override. Examples are sick days, arriving or leaving late, or arriving or leaving early.

payroll group

Segments of the employee population for whom payroll processes can be run at a given time.


A sum of money that is added to an employee's hourly pay rate under certain conditions.


A category in the application to report employee's time under in the default labor allocation or Enter Elapsed Time section of the Weekly Timesheet. Time worked can be split between different jobs or allocated all to one.

schedule overrides

Changes that are made to an employee's schedule by a supervisor when an employee is required to come in on a different day, or at a different time, than their shift pattern specifies. Usually used for one time exceptions to the employee's normal schedule.


A scheduled time frame in which an employee is expected to work. Shifts are assigned to shift patterns and employee's schedules are created based on these patterns.

shift pattern

A pattern of scheduled start and end times. This pattern can be a workweek pattern of five working days followed by two days off. Or the pattern can be a complex rotating pattern of multiple shifts that repeats monthly.

system week start date

The start day for each week. Timesheets in the Weekly Timesheet are displayed starting from this day of the week.

time code

A code that is used to classify the activity an employee performed during a period of time. Common codes record work and break time, vacation and sick days.

timesheet lock

A tool that is used to prevent users from making changes to the schedule and Enter Elapsed Time sections of an employee's Weekly Timesheet.