Displaying balance information when approving requests

When approving a time off request, managers can see an employee's current balance for the given time off type in the Current Balance column. Additional balance information (accrued, used, and future approved) is shown in a popup.

The Current Balance column is hidden by default for existing customers. You can enable the column using localization.

  1. Select Time Off Approval.
  2. Click Turn ON config mode.
  3. Click any request in the calendar to review its details.
  4. Click the localization (orange diamond) icon to the left of the Current Balance column (TOP_CURRENT_BALANCE).
    The Field Localization window is displayed.
  5. In the Field UI field, change HiddenUI to TextAreaUI.
  6. Click Save and close the window.
    Using the TOP_CURRENT_BALANCE security key, you can hide the Current Balance column for users in specific security groups. Using the other localization options, you can localize the balance labels in the pop-up.
  7. Click Turn OFF config mode.