Testing new rules

After you have created a new rule, you should test the rule to ensure it has been configured correctly. In almost all cases, such testing can be done on the Daily or Weekly Timesheets.

  1. Select Maintenance > Employees > Employee.
    The Employee page lists all the employees that are set up in the application and their calculation groups.
  2. Find an employee who belongs to the calculation group containing the rule you want to test.
  3. Select Timesheet.
  4. Specify the employee’s identification number in the Employee field of the Selection Parameters page.
  5. Click Load.
  6. Review the employee’s current timesheet details and work details.

The rule you are testing determines the specific work details you must examine. For example, if the rule established that overtime is applied after an employee works longer than 480 minutes a day, then you need to examine the amount of time an employee worked.

To test the overtime rule, add additional time by creating new clocks so that the employee triggers the rule.

By adding time so the employee works more than the 480 minutes in a day, you can test if the overtime rule is applied correctly. The employee should accrue overtime for the time worked beyond the 480 minute threshold.

Although the details of how you test the new rules will vary from rule to rule, you should be able to test the new rule by creating the conditions that trigger the rule with the employee’s timesheet.

The Daily Timesheet comes with a Rule Tracer tool to assist in testing. Clicking the Trace link in the timesheet opens the Rule Tracer, which shows each rule that has fired and the effect the rule has had on the day. If you cannot see the Trace link, ensure your user’s security group has been granted sufficient permissions to access the tool.

See "Rule Tracer" in the Infor Workforce Management Daily Timesheet User Guide.