Defining the Timesheet Lockdown Task

If you specify a timesheet lockout date for a pay group on the Pay Group form, the Timesheet Lockdown Task must be configured.

See Creating or editing pay groups.

The timesheet lockout temporarily prevents users from editing the current pay period. The Timesheet Lockdown Task must be configured to run on or after the lockout date and time specified for the pay group, in order to move the lockout date to the end of the pay period.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler.
  2. Locate the Timesheet Lockdown Task in the task list of the Task Schedules page.
  3. Click Parameters.
    The Timesheet Lockdown Task Parameters page is displayed.
  4. Select the timesheets that you want locked so that edits can only be performed by authorized users in the Pay groups to lock down field.
    The Timesheet Lockdown Task reads the lockout date and time from the timesheets contained in a pay group, and activates timesheet lockdowns when that date and time has passed.
  5. Click Submit.
    After the Timesheet Lockdown Task is run, timesheet edits can only be performed by authorized users such as payroll administrators and supervisors. Whether a user can edit timesheets that are dated before the lock down date is controlled though the Lock Down Priv attribute on the user’s assigned security group.