Is Employee Schedule Property Generic Condition

The Is Employee Schedule Property Generic Condition allows querying of the employee schedule data as of the work date and applies if an employee is scheduled to a specific shift or time on that day. The criteria is provided in an expression string parameter by using employee schedule fields in a comma-delimited, quote-enclosed string.

For example, these fields are EMPLOYEE_SDCHEDULE table fields:

"empskdActShiftId=0","empskdActEndTime<1980-01-01 00:00:00"

Other examples for using this condition could be to determine:

  • If the employee’s shift is a DAY SHIFT as of a specific work date
  • If the employee’s default shift is OFF as of a specific work date

Parameters In

Name Type Description Example
Expression String String Specify a comma-delimited, quote-enclosed string of employee schedule fields.

The string is case-sensitive. Specify column names in lower case, except for the first letter to the right of the underscore. Also, remove the underscores from the column name. For the column EMPSKD_ACT_END_TIME, specify empskdActEndTime.

Dates must be supplied in SQL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, which are yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, HH:mm:ss, and yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.

For time attributes such as empskdActEndTime, if time is entered as HH:mm:ss, the comparison will be made based on the minutes fraction. For example, if empskdActEndTime<08:00:00 represents the employee's actual end time before 8AM on any day, if empskdActEndTime is 09:00, the math will be 9*60 < 8*60.

Supported operators are =, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, [CONTAINS], [IN](item1;item2;item3), [NOT_IN](item1;item2;item3), [IS_EMPTY], and [IS_NOT_EMPTY]. For [IS_EMPTY] and [IS_NOT_EMPTY], the second operand is not required and is ignored.

Supported data types are Number, date, and string.

The condition returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on how the expression string resolves. FALSE is returned if the expression string is not formatted properly, the attributes do not exist, or the types are not compatible.

