Adding an IP address whitelist

As an administrator, you can define a range of acceptable IP addresses for your employees during clock in or clock out. You can use expressions such as 192.168.1.* to simplify the inclusion of multiple IP addresses.

To logically group multiple IP Address Whitelists, you can add them to an IP Address Group. For more information, see Adding an IP address group.

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Validations > IP Address Whitelist.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Range Start
    The starting range of acceptable IP addresses. This field is mandatory and must be smaller than the Range End value.
    You can only define expressions using the third and fourth octet. For example: 192.168.1.* or 192.168.*.*
    Note: For the Range Start field, 192.168.1.* is converted by WFM to which denotes the minimum possible value for the octet. 192.168.*.* is converted by WFM to
    Range End
    The IP address that marks the end of acceptable IP addresses. This field is optional.
    As with Range Start, you can only define expressions using the third and fourth octet.
    Note: For the Range End field, 192.168.1.* is converted by WFM to which denotes the maximum possible value for the octet. 192.168.*.* is converted by WFM to
    An optional comment describing your entry.
  4. Click Save.