Is Employee Date Condition

The Is Employee Date Condition compares the anniversary of the employee's hire date or seniority date against the current calculation date (ignoring year).

Parameters In

Name Description
Day to Compare Determines the employee date that will be used to compare the current calculation date against. The year is ignored in the comparison. These are the supported options:
  • Hire Date: When this option is used, the anniversary of the employee's hire date (EMP_HIRE_DATE) is used for the comparison.
  • Seniority Date: When this option is used, the anniversary of the employee's seniority date (EMP_SENIORITY_DATE) is used for the comparison.
Note: If the date being compared to the current calculation date is February 29, then March 1 is used in the comparison in non-leap years. In leap years, February 29 is used in the comparison.
Add Days The number of days to add to the specified date before making the comparison. The default is 0.

Example: Hire Date + 30 days

In this example, the condition returns true if the anniversary of the employee's hire date is 30 days before the current calculation date (ignoring year).

Parameter Configuration
Day to Compare Hire Date option selected
Add Days 30