Employees Approaching Overtime alert parameters
The Employees Approaching Overtime alert notifies supervisors when employees are
approaching overtime.
Note: In addition to the parameters defined on the alert, the TS_CODE_SUMMARY_NUMBER_FORMAT
registry parameter is used to set the format of the duration in the alert columns. The
default is hh:mm.
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The Employees Approaching Overtime alert has these parameters:
- Threshold Minutes
- Specify the minimum number of minutes to send the alert. The alert is triggered when the number of minutes an employee has worked within the overtime period is greater than or equal to this value.
- Overtime Period
- Specify the time period in which overtime minutes are counted. You can select Week, Calendar Month, or Pay Period. If you select Pay Period, the pay period of the employee's pay group is used.
- Day Week Start
- Select the day this is considered the start of the week. You can select Application Default to use the default value specified by the DAY_WEEK_STARTS registry parameter, or select any day of the week.
- Eligible Time Code(s)
- Specify the time codes to check for the overtime alert.Note: If the list includes time codes that are marked as overtime, the alert will include an additional Overtime Hours Worked column showing the total duration of work details with overtime time codes.
- Eligible Hour Type(s)
- Specify the hour types to check for the overtime alert.
- Work Detail Type
- Specify the type of work details to count for the alert. You can select Work Details, Work Premiums, or ALL.
- Work Detail Expression String
- Specify criteria to query work detail data in a comma-delimited, quote-enclosed string. Supported fields are work detail fields specified without underscores and in title case.
- Consider Work Details up to
- Select an option to indicate which details to consider for the alert.
- If you select Current Date, the alert will consider all work details from the start of the pay period to the current date.
- If you select End of Period, the alert will consider all
work details from the start to the end of the current pay period.
If you select this option, the alert will include an additional Remaining Hours Planned column showing the total duration of work details after the current date.
- Employee(s)
- Specify the employees to consider for the approaching overtime alert. If you do not specify any employees, then all employees are included.
- Calculation Group(s)
- Specify the calculation groups to consider for the approaching overtime alert.
- Pay Group(s)
- Specify the pay groups to consider for the approaching overtime alert.