Creating date effective rules

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Toolkit > Quick Rule Editor.
  2. Select a calculation group in the Calculation Group field.
  3. Specify the date you want to view in the Date field.
  4. Click Go.
  5. Click the Add Rule Below (plus) button beside an execution point or existing rule to add the new rule immediately below it.
  6. In the right pane, select the rule that you want to add from the Rule drop-down list.
  7. Specify a brief description in the Rule Description field.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. In the left pane, specify the date when the new rule is effective in the Start Date field.
  11. Specify the date when the new rule is to stop being effective in the End Date field.
  12. Click Save.

The rule is assigned to the calculation group for the time period between the specified start and end dates. Each new rule requires parameters. The parameters determine how the rule is applied to the employee under different circumstances.

See Condition sets and rule parameters.