Apply Pay Rates Rule

Class Name

Note: The Apply Pay Rates Rule is not in the Quick Rule Template.


By default, employee base rates are used as the hourly rate for work that is performed by the employee. The same base rate is also applied to all records regardless of the rate method that is used. The rate method can be WRK, VAC, REG, or OT. You can expand the pay rate functionality beyond this limitation with the Apply Pay Rates Rule.


Parameter Description
Rate Type Select one of these rate types to use:
  • Default: The rate in the work detail remains unchanged. This is the default.
  • FORCE BASE RATE: The employee base rate is used.
  • EMPLOYEE JOB: The employee job rate specified in the Employee Job maintenance form is used. This option in only applicable to integrations between Infor HR Talent and Workforce Management.

    See Viewing employee job information.

    Note: WFM assumes that the correct values have been provided for the rate of each work assignment in HR Talent. The rate value is accepted as is, even when it is 0. A pay rate of 0 means the job is unpaid.

    When using this rate type, AS IS is the only rate mode that is supported. Even if another rate mode is specified, AS IS is still used.

    If a blank job is provided on the timesheet, then the employee base rate is used. In this case, the user must manually specify the appropriate rate as part of a Work Detail override.

  • PIECE: The piece rate based on the DOCKET table settings is used. See Calculating piece rates.
  • JOB: Rates are calculated based on employee_job and job_rate definitions as of the calculation rate. See Calculating employee job rates.
  • TABLE: The Calc Group Rate Settings panel is used to define what rate to use. See Calc Group Rate Settings panel (CALC_GROUP_RATE table).
Rate Mode Only applies to EMPLOYEE JOB, PIECE, and JOB rate types (the TABLE option contains Rate Mode definitions at the record level).

Select one of these rate modes:

  • GREATEST: Uses the greater of the base or piece/job rate.
  • LEAST: Uses the smaller of the base or piece/job rate.
  • AS IS: Uses the piece/job rate.
    Note: This rate mode is always used for the EMPLOYEE JOB rate type regardless of the rate mode selected.
Apply Hour Type Multiple to Base Rate Select this check box to multiple the employee base rate or employee job rate by the hour type multiplier of the work detail.

By default, the hour type multiplier is not applied to the employee base rate or employee job rate.