Creating application folders

Application folders are used to organize maintenance forms. If an appropriate folder does not exist, you can create a folder using the same maintenance form detail screen.

To create an application folder:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Maintenance Forms.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Form Name
    Specify a name for the new folder.
    Specify a brief description of the folder.
    Specify X. This field is only used to define maintenance forms.
    Specify X. This field is only used to define maintenance forms.
    Form Type
    Select FOLDER. Form type represents the type of menu item that this form definition represents.
    Menu Sort Order
    Specify the relative position of the menu item in the application menu structure.
    Menu Parent
    Specify where the maintenance form is located. This option determines how the maintenance form is accessed in the application. There are several main menu parent types where forms can be saved:
    • Header: Select this parent type to let users access this form using the application Header bar.
    • Folder Name: Select an existing folder from where the form will be accessed.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Navigate to the Maintenance Form Groups section to grant access to the folder for specific security groups.
    Security Group
    Select the security group to grant or deny permission from the lookup.
    Default Permissions
    Specify the permission that is granted or denied for the corresponding security group. Available options are Act, View, and Deny. Specify the capital letter of each option.
    Select one of these permission levels for each security group:
    • EDIT: Allows full access to the maintenance form.
    • VIEW: Allows read-only access to the maintenance form.
    • NONE: Denies access to the maintenance form.
  6. Click Save.