Viewing employee profile comments

Not all security groups may have access to the Employee Profile Comments. You can modify the Employee Profile Comments maintenance form to adjust the security access. For more information, see Maintenance forms.

  1. Select Maintenance > Employees > Employee.
  2. Click Find to search for the employee. To perform an advanced search, click the down arrow next to the Find button.
  3. Once you find the employee, click Edit next to the employee.
  4. Navigate to the Employee Profile Comments section.

    These fields are displayed:

    Comments up to 4000 characters.
    Effective Start Date
    The start date for the comment.
    Effective End Date
    The end date of the comment.
To view the auditing for Employee Profile Comments, navigate to My Reports > System Reports > Audit Tracking Report. Select EMP_PROFILE_COMMENT in the Table Changed field.

For more information on the Audit Tracking Report, see the Infor Workforce Management Reports User Guide.