Has Worked N Days of Last M Days Condition


The Has Worked N Days of Last M Days Condition determines whether an employee has worked a minimum number of days over a specified range of days before the current calculation date. The condition returns true as long as the employee has met the minimum number of days as per the eligibility criteria that are specified using the condition's parameters.

Parameters In

Parameter Description Example
MinDaysWorked The minimum number of days the employee must record work time during the defined period. 6
LastMDays The number of days to look back for recorded work time.

The maximum value for this parameter is 180.

TcodeNameList The list of eligible time codes that constitute "work time". WRK,TRN
TcodeInclusive True indicates the list of time codes should be considered as inclusive.

False indicates the list of time codes to ignore.

HtypeNameList The list of eligible hour types that constitute "work time". UNPAID
HtypeInclusive True indicates the list of hour types should be considered as inclusive.

False indicates the list of hour types to ignore.

MinMinutes The minimum number of eligible work time in minutes that must be recorded for the day to be considered a valid work day. 240

Using the example configuration, the condition returns true if the employee has recorded at least 4 hours (240 minutes) of paid WRK or TRN time (REG, OT1, etc.) on 6 of the last 7 days.