Retail Tip Rule

Class Name


Retail tip enables employees to enter tip details for a shift. When an employee works for a job that is flagged as a tip job, the employee must enter the total tip amount for the shift duration upon clocking out. In the Retail Tip Override window of the timesheet, employees enter the amount of cash tips, the amount of credit tips, and any other tip amounts. They can also "tip out" a certain amount, which means that the tip gets distributed as Indirect tips to other employees. Employees can also indicate that a shift's tips are Inferred, which tells the application that the tips are a percentage of total sales rather than an actual amount.

The employer is to pay the employee a total of base rate (job rate) + tip, or a minimum wage, whichever is higher. In other words, if the employee's base rate plus tip is lower then the minimum wage, then the employer must pay the difference.


Parameter Description
Minimum Wage The minimum wage.
Eligible Time Codes Defines the time codes of records to be included in the summing of hours.
Premium Time Code The time code to use for the premium record being inserted to represent the difference paid by employer.
Premium Hour Type The hour type to use for the premium record being inserted to represent the difference paid by employer.
Apply Tip Credit MinWage Adjustment (Workbrain 5.0 only) The Tip Credit Rule sums up the total amount of hours that are worked for the specified time period (Daily, Weekly or PayPeriods) before the rule calculates the adjustment. If the pay period is Weekly, then the Day_Week_Starts parameter must also be specified.
Day Week Starts (Workbrain 5.0 only) Represents the start of the weekly period; used to determine when premiums are paid. Specify this parameter (as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on) only if the Apply Tip Credit MinWage Adjustment parameter is set to Weekly. If you do not specify this parameter, then the application will use the global registry DAY_WEEK_STARTS (/system/workbrain_parameters/day_week_starts) parameter instead.