Day Split Rule parameters

See Day Split Rule.

This table shows the parameters for the Day Split Rule:

Parameter Description
Override Day Split Time If you specify a time of day here, it will be used as the day split time instead of the day split time that is defined for the calc group.

See Setting a day split time for a calc group.

The maximum number of minutes allowed between the last clock on day one and the first clock on day two Threshold to determine whether two clocks belong to the same shift. If the time difference between the last manual clock on the first day and the first manual clock on the second day is less than this number of minutes, the clock is assumed to belong to the same shift and system-generated clocks are added at the day split time.

For example, suppose you set the threshold to 360 minutes and the day split time is 12:00 AM. If an employee records an ON clock at 10:00 PM on November 2 and an OFF clock at 3:00 AM on November 3, the 300-minute difference is below the threshold. Thus, the clocks belong to the same shift and system-generated clocks are added.

If the employee clocks off at 5:00 AM, the difference is 420 minutes, which exceeds the threshold. The clocks are assumed to belong to different shifts, and no system-generated clocks are added.

Time Code to Replace Original Time Code Specify the time code to replace the original time code for work details after the day split time on the original day. This time code must be a unique code that is used only by this rule.
Hour Type to Replace Original Hour Type Specify the hour type to replace the original time code for work details after the day split time on the original day. This hour type must be a unique code that is used only by this rule.
Copy Work Details Indicates whether work details after the day split time are copied from the original work date to the new work date. You can specify the time codes and hour types that are eligible for splitting and copying.
Copy Work Premiums Indicates whether work details are copied with work premium, provided that the work premium have both start and end times. When this check box is cleared, work premiums are not copied by default.
Split Work Details Indicates whether work details are split at the day split time on the original work date. You can specify the time codes and hour types that are eligible for splitting and copying.
Note: Both Copy and Split rules must be configured for copying and splitting work details to work properly.
Split Work Premiums Indicates that the work premiums are split in the same way as work details, provided that the work premiums have start and end times.
Eligible Time Codes for Split and Copy Specify the time codes to consider when splitting and copying work details. The list of time codes can be inclusive or exclusive. If the Time Codes Inclusive check box is selected, then work details with the specified time codes are eligible for splitting and copying. If this check box is cleared, then the specified time codes are not eligible and all others are eligible.
Time Codes Inclusive Indicates whether the list of time codes in the Eligible Time Codes for Split and Copy field is inclusive or exclusive. If this check box is selected, then the specified time codes are included. If this check box is cleared, then the specified time codes are excluded and all others are included.
Eligible Hour Types for Split and Copy Specify the hour types to consider when splitting and copying work details. The list of hour types can be inclusive or exclusive. If the Hour Types Inclusive check box is selected, then work details with the specified hour types are eligible for splitting and copying. If this check box is cleared, then the specified hour types are not eligible and all others are eligible.
Hour Types Inclusive Indicates whether the list of hour types in the Eligible Hour Types for Split and Copy field is inclusive or exclusive. If this check box is selected, then the specified hour types are included. If this check box is cleared, then the specified hour types are excluded and all others are included.
Block manual Work Detail entries on or after Day Split Time Indicates whether employees are blocked from manually entering work details after the day split time. You can specify the time codes and hour types for which manual work details are blocked.
Note: The time codes and hour types that you specify for blocking manual clocks should not overlap with the time codes and hour types that you specify for splitting work details. Splitting work details and blocking manual clocks are conflicting actions, so any time codes or hour types that are shared between the two cause errors.
Eligible Time Codes to block Specify the time codes to consider when blocking work details after the split time. The list of time codes can be inclusive or exclusive. If the Time Codes Inclusive check box is selected, then work details with the specified time codes are eligible for blocking. If this check box is cleared, then the specified time codes are not eligible and all others are eligible.
Time Codes Inclusive Indicates whether the list of time codes in the Eligible Time Codes to block field is inclusive or exclusive. If this check box is selected, then the specified time codes are included. If this check box is cleared, then the specified time codes are excluded and all others are included.
Eligible Hour Types to block Specify the hour types to consider when blocking work details. The list of hour types can be inclusive or exclusive. If the Hour Types Inclusive check box is selected, then work details with the specified hour types are eligible for blocking. If this check box is cleared, then the specified hour types are not eligible and all others are eligible.
Hour Types Inclusive Indicates whether the list of hour types in the Eligible Hour Types to block field is inclusive or exclusive. If this check box is selected, then the specified hour types are included. If this check box is cleared, then the specified hour types are excluded and all others are included.